
A Healthy Approach to Communication

About Clinitok

A Healthy Approach to Communication

With SMS text messaging, communicating is quick, easy, and affordable. Clinitok is designed for physicians and clinics to send one-way SMS notifications to patients.

The benefits of connecting with patients via SMS (tesxt) messaging include:

• Improves scheduling: forgotten appointments are common, a major benefit of a text messaging service is that it can notably improve patient attendance.
• Improves communication: with routine messages and reminders patients will likely feel more informed and empower to take charge of their healthcare.

The many administrative applications are: notice to contact the clinic, availability of services such as holiday hours, vaccinations, fee reminders, and general patient notices to seminars or new physicians.

SMS is a powerful, easy-to-use solution for simplifying and improving the effectiveness of your communication. Your clinic will enjoy the benefits of improved efficiency while saving money and impressing your patients. For non-confidential notifications, texting is the fastest and one of the most reliable way to reach your patients

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Product Type

EMR Integrated App



EMR Integration





Allied Healthcare, Primary Care, Specialist Care



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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by Clinitok

Patient Demographics, Tasks

EMR Data Updated by Clinitok


Privacy Impact Assessment

Last completed:

April, 2021

Threat Risk Assessment

Last completed:

June, 2021

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