Electronic Asthma Management System

About eAMS

Personalized asthma guidance for patients and healthcare providers, instantly and at the point of care

The Electronic Asthma Management System (eAMS) engages patients with asthma to complete a pre-visit questionnaire through our web portal or app. After analyzing your patient’s asthma control and medication use, our algorithms present you with computerized decision support recommendations for any required medication changes, based on current evidence in asthma guidelines through easy-to-use prompts built into the OSCAR Pro EMR.

The eAMS also creates a self-management solution called an asthma action plan, which patients can access through their app or web portal anytime, anywhere. This empowers patients to self-manage their asthma, improving their symptoms and helping them to avoid asthma flare-ups and urgent healthcare visits.

The eAMS was developed by family physicians, for family physicians. In over 10 years of development, more than 20 peer-reviewed publications supporting the eAMS have been published, including research demonstrating significant improvements in quality of care in busy real-world practices.

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Product Type

EMR Integrated App



EMR Integration





Primary Care, Specialist Care



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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by eAMS

Custom Integration

EMR Data Updated by eAMS

Documents, Observations, Schedule

Privacy Impact Assessment

Last completed:

October, 2021

Threat Risk Assessment

Not Available

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