Dynacare eOrdering

Paperless Digital Solution to Submit Laboratory Orders

About Dynacare eOrdering

A Paperless Digital Solution to Submit Laboratory Orders

Dynacare eOrdering allows healthcare providers to send OHIP laboratory requisitions directly from an Electronic Medical Records system to Dynacare with convenience and speed.

As a leader in the Canadian laboratory industry, Dynacare is committed to improving quality of patient care by developing innovative digital tools that provide efficiencies for healthcare providers.

Improved Quality, Productivity and Overall Experience

  • Seamless EMR integration This digital solution allows you to send requisitions directly to Dynacare.
  • Improved patient experience – The electronic lab requisition “follows your patient” to any participating Dynacare laboratory. Patients do not require a paper requisition and you do not need to fax a copy of the requisition to Dynacare. Your patients can enjoy peace of mind knowing they will be served at Dynacare even if they do not have a copy of their requisition.

Dynacare eOrdering enhances the virtual care experience with your patients as it helps reduce manual work and transcription errors. It also enables a quicker turnaround time for results and smart notifications.

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Product Type

EMR Integrated App



EMR Integration





Primary Care, Specialist Care



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Pre-register for Dynacare eOrdering

Dynacare and WELL are looking for clinics to be early adopters of Dynacare eOrdering. If you are interested, click on the Get More Info button to learn more. Our team will contact you with additional information.

Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by Dynacare eOrdering

Custom Integration

EMR Data Updated by Dynacare eOrdering

Custom Integration

Privacy Impact Assessment

Not Available

Threat Risk Assessment

Not Available

To get started or to learn more…

Please complete the form below and a team member will contact you shortly with more information.

Organization Details