Clinical Data Lab

The Future of Digital Diagnostics

About Clinical Data Lab

Validated diagnostic algorithms for rare and complex diseases.

The Future of Digital Diagnostics.

Ensho Health provides software-enabled services to healthcare providers, including to aid in the early detection and diagnosis of rare and complex diseases. Physicians can request analysis of individual records or whole EMR databases using proprietary and open source diagnostic algorithms like CA-4F for cardiac amyloidosis, SD-9 for adult-onset Still’s disease and MY-16 for ALS.

Comprehensive reporting is available for predicted positive patients to facilitate detailed clinical review.

Our algorithms are developed to the ISO 13485:2016 standard for medical devices and regulated by Health Canada as medical devices under our Medical Device Establishment License.

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Product Type

EMR Integrated App



EMR Integration





Specialist Care



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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by Clinical Data Lab

System Export

EMR Data Updated by Clinical Data Lab

Privacy Impact Assessment

Last completed:

August, 2021

Threat Risk Assessment

Last completed:

February, 2022

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