DoctorCare Profile Picture


Medical Billing Services and Solutions for Every Need

About DoctorCare

Medical Billing Services and Solutions for Every Need

Whether you are a family physician, specialist, work in a hospital, big practice, or a small clinic, are using an EMR or not, DoctorCare has medical billing management and practice optimization solutions that take the stress out of billings.

Practice Care: Practice Care is DoctorCare’s flagship service delivering analytics, insights, and billing automation enabling physicians to discover and realize opportunities to maximize revenue and drive efficiencies throughout their practice.

Billing Care: Billing Care alleviates the pain of managing billing submissions in your EMR while outsourcing the management and correction of billing errors right in your EMR system.

Billing Care Plus: For doctors working out of a hospital and in need a full-service billing solution, Billing Care Plus takes on the time-consuming tasks of entering written day sheets, checking for errors, and submitting billings.

Let us help you get started with a free practice billing assessment to see where you may have opportunities to optimize your billings and recover lost revenue.

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Product Type

Non-EMR Service






Primary Care, Specialist Care



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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by DoctorCare

EMR Data Updated by DoctorCare

Privacy Impact Assessment

Not Available

Threat Risk Assessment

Not Available

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