Complex Care Plan

Automated Chronic Disease Care Plans

About Complex Care Plan

Deliver Better Care While Improving Profitability

Complex Care Plan is an EMR-integrated tool that makes it easy to create customized care plans for patients with chronic disease. Instead of manually searching EMR data and filling out forms, Complex Care Plan instantly scans EMR entries, identifies all eligible patients based on chronic health conditions, and automatically creates insightful care plans.

Empower Your Patients – Complex Care Plan makes EMR data truly actionable by applying analytics, embedded national guidelines and best practices. Chronic health conditions are identified early and addressed proactively before they become acute, improving patient engagement and health care delivery.

Capture Additional Clinic Revenue – Within minutes of installation, Complex Care Plan automatically identifies all eligible patients with no effort allowing physicians to easily capture additional fee revenue up to $30,000 per physician.

Zero Upfront Cost or Monthly Fees – Coalese Health gets paid only when you get paid. We charge no upfront or monthly fees. We invoice your clinic only for the care plans you create and after billings have been reimbursed.

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Product Type

EMR Integrated App



EMR Integration





Primary Care



Similar to Complex Care Plan


Automate Clinic Tasks
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Run on Auto-Pilot with Phelix
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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by Complex Care Plan

Custom Integration

EMR Data Updated by Complex Care Plan

Privacy Impact Assessment

Last completed:

January, 2021

Threat Risk Assessment

Not Available

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