Doctors Services Group

Comprehensive Uninsured Services Program Solutions

About Doctors Services Group

Comprehensive Uninsured Services Program Solutions

Doctors Services Group is your complete solution for effectively managing all your practice’s uninsured services activities. From patient education to communications and administration, we take time consuming tasks  off your plate so you can focus on patient care.

Doctors Services Group is the industry leader in providing uninsured services billing programs. We believe physicians should be fairly compensated for all services provided and patients should understand what uninsured services are and why they are paying for them. We offer physicians a full-service outsourced solution enabling them to alleviate their administrative burden and get uninsured services billing under control and realize improved revenue. Doctors Services helps physicians increase revenue, enhance efficiency, and improve doctor-patient communication.

Doctors Services Group services include:

  • Best Practice Patient Education: We help educate your patients on uninsured medical services and when they can expect to be charged.
  • Patient Communication and Billing: We take care of communicating with your patients and managing the billing for uninsured medical services.
  • Full-Service Administration: Our platform is customizable to meet the specific needs of your practice.

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Product Type

Non-EMR Service






Primary Care, Specialist Care



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SMS Messaging

Patient Reminders and Notifications
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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by Doctors Services Group

EMR Data Updated by Doctors Services Group

Privacy Impact Assessment

Not Available

Threat Risk Assessment

Not Available

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