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DoctorCare (FHG to FHO)

Physician Transition Services

About DoctorCare (FHG to FHO)

DoctorCare – Switching to FHO: Free Assessment

As part of the new Physician Services Agreement announced in April, 2022, the managed entry process into the FHO model will increase by 40 new spots each month. This is an opportunity for you to join a FHO and increase your annual income by as much as 30%.

Is this a good time for you to transition to a FHO? Let us help with a complimentary transition analysis! We will do an income analysis and show you the value you will receive switching to a FHO model, as well as guide you through the process for a successful transition.

Why join a FHO?

  • Increase income predictability: On average, 80% of FHO income is guaranteed regardless of patient visits.
  • Increase your revenue: FHOs have more revenue opportunities with additional special premiums/bonuses.
  • Improve patient access: Get shared on-call coverage for after-hours and vacation time.
  • Improve patient care: Focus on patient care rather than patient volume.

Contact us today to get started!

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Product Type

Non-EMR Service






Primary Care


Not Available

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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by DoctorCare (FHG to FHO)

EMR Data Updated by DoctorCare (FHG to FHO)

Privacy Impact Assessment

Not Available

Threat Risk Assessment

Not Available

To get started or to learn more…

Please complete the form below and a team member will contact you shortly with more information.

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