Focus Mental Wellness

Online Therapy Patient Referrals

About Focus Mental Wellness

Online Therapy Patient Referrals

Easily refer your patients to licensed and empathetic online therapists through Focus Mental Wellness. Focus Mental Wellness is a PHIPA and PIPEDA-compliant healthcare platform and mobile app that provides secure online video, talk and text counselling for individuals and their families struggling with mental health issues such as ADHD, stress, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, trauma/PTSD, and more.


Benefits for patients:

  • Available for patients Canada-wide without needing a referral or waitlists, and patients can typically book same-day or next day sessions. 
  • Remote and secure therapy communication methods via phone, video, or text.
  • Thoroughly vetted and licensed therapist network with diverse backgrounds, capable of supporting a wide range of mental health issues.
  • Easy-to-book platform and app for patients to manage their therapist sessions and book ongoing sessions. 
  • More affordable than in-person therapy and covered by most extended benefits. 


How it works:

  • Clinician uses the Focus Mental Health Wellness available in their EMR to send a referral to our team.
  • Once a referral is received, we contact the patient directly to schedule their first session within 24 hours.

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Product Type

Non-EMR Service






Primary Care, Specialist Care


Not Available

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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by Focus Mental Wellness

EMR Data Updated by Focus Mental Wellness

Privacy Impact Assessment

Not Available

Threat Risk Assessment

Not Available

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