
Provincial eHealth Viewer

About CareConnect

CareConnect is British Columbia’s secure, view-only Electronic Health Record (EHR) solution.

CareConnect offers healthcare providers access to an integrated , provincial view of patient-centric information available 24/7 to support the delivery of patient care. Six different Health Authorities across the province utilize CareConnect to support a better flow of information across the care continuum.

The CareConnect team has partnered with EMR vendors across the province to provide a ‘rapid access,’ button that allows healthcare providers to go from their EMR right into CareConnect at the click of a button. This process takes less than 20 seconds and doesn’t require opening a new browser window or copying and pasting a PHN. The CareConnect rapid access button integration is available for IntraHealth Profile and OSCAR Pro users and can be used by clinics who qualify.

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Product Type

EMR Integrated App



EMR Integration

OSCAR Pro, Profile


British Columbia


Primary Care, Specialist Care



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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by CareConnect

Custom Integration

EMR Data Updated by CareConnect

Privacy Impact Assessment

Not Available

Threat Risk Assessment

Not Available

To get started or to learn more…

Please complete the form below and a team member will contact you shortly with more information.

Organization Details