
Knowledge and resources at your fingertips

About Know2Act

Knowledge and resources you trust at your fingertips

Connect with colleagues and thought leaders in their field to share evidence based guidelines and receive trusted clinical knowledge within your EMR at the point-of-care.

Know2Act is an online platform for healthcare professionals to:

  • Build a Network: connect with colleagues and thought leaders to create network within which to share clinical evidence and wisdom to improve care.
  • Share Evidence: Post or use recommended tools, algorithms, diagnostic pathways, guidelines or OSCAR eForms to inform and support care.
  • Integrate Knowledge: Access context-specific clinical evidence from trusted network within OSCAR at point-of-care.

Know2Act offers three account types:

  1. K2A for Clinicians (Individual Account): Designed for clinicians who need quick and easy access from within OSCAR to trusted clinical decision support relevant to each patient at the point-of care.
  2. K2A for Clinics/Institutions (Shared Account): Designed to support knowledge translation and broad adoption of best practices, standardized queries/reports, OSCAR eForms and other tools to enable consistent quality care across organization.
  3. K2A Channels: Available for any person or organization who wish to promote and improve access to their information, tools or practice guidelines to enhance point-of-care decisions. Know2Act Channel accounts also provide analytics to capture the reach of the content within the Know2Act network.

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Product Type

EMR Integrated App



EMR Integration





Allied Healthcare, Primary Care



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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by Know2Act

EMR Data Updated by Know2Act

Privacy Impact Assessment

Not Available

Threat Risk Assessment

Not Available

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