
Integrated Telemedicine

About Telemedicine

Integrated Telemedicine that works the way you do

Intrahealth has integrated Virtual Care solutions to suit the way you work. We recognize that Telemedicine is more than just video conferencing and that’s why we developed an integrated and secure Virtual Care solution that helps you deliver your services to your patients anywhere, anytime and without having to change the way you practice.

your branding, your workflows, your revenue streams

  • Integrated and efficient features
  • Safe and Secure with end to end encryption
  • Reliable communications through e-mail and SMS
  • Easy for you, your team and your patients

Integrated for efficiency

Intrahealth’s Virtual Care solution enables a seamless experience to manage and treat your patients.

One built-in feature does it all – nothing new, as it is integrated into your workflows:

  • Book an appointment that automatically sends the patient a link via SMS or E-mail
  • View “virtual” arrivals in your usual waiting room
  • A single click of the “New Encounter” starts the video consultation
  • Choose video, audio or both
  • Send prescriptions, orders and documents securely to your patients while in the Virtual consultation

Zero learning required for you, your team and your patients

Save time and money with one integrated provider

Build your brand with your organization’s logo

Safe and Secure

Intrahealth understands how important your data is so we’ve ensured:

  • No storage of any patient clinical information outside your Profile database
  • End to end encrypted communications and documents between you and your patient


You’re in control. No third-party connections are used for any video sessions (the connection is two encrypted end points).

More Details

Product Type

EMR Integrated App



EMR Integration



Australia, Canada, New Zealand


Allied Healthcare, Primary Care, Specialist Care


Not Available

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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by Telemedicine

Custom Integration

EMR Data Updated by Telemedicine

Custom Integration

Privacy Impact Assessment

Not Available

Threat Risk Assessment

Not Available

To get started or to learn more…

Please complete the form below and a team member will contact you shortly with more information.

Organization Details