
Flexible solutions for your patients and practitioners

About Aero

Flexible solutions for your patients and practitioners

Aero is a web-based technology paired with Accession aimed at linking patients to their primary care.

Split into a Provider and a Patient interface, Aero allows for a more active clinical experience and significantly facilitates health management. Aero Provider encourages the care team to participate in managing their patients’ health. Functionality is highly configurable and controlled by the provider or administrator.

Subject to permissions, providers can:

  • Retrieve patients’ medical and demographic information
  • Review patients’ care plans, recalls, and see upcoming recalls
  • Review and add clinical notes
  • Review patient’s referral details

Aero Patient also provides patients direct and secure access to permitted elements of their medical record through an internet browser. Aero encourages the participation of patients in managing their health. With this platform patients may (according to their clinic’s discretion):

  • Retrieve personal medical information
  • Make appointments, change or cancel appointments or confirm pending appointments
  • Review recalls, see upcoming recalls, read the reason for a recall, make an appointment for a recall
  • Reorder standing medication orders and check the status of the order
  • Undertake self-assessments that are reviewed by a clinical rule and escalated if necessary
  • Check laboratory results, graph them, seek an interpretation using a clinical rule agreed by health providers
  • Review problem lists, read more information about their specific problems and be routed to health system approved web sites for additional details

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Product Type

EMR Integrated App



EMR Integration



Australia, Canada, New Zealand


Allied Healthcare, Primary Care, Specialist Care


Not Available

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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by Aero

Custom Integration

EMR Data Updated by Aero

Custom Integration

Privacy Impact Assessment

Not Available

Threat Risk Assessment

Not Available

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