VirtualClinic Profile Picture


Telehealth made easy.

About VirtualClinic+

Telehealth made easy.

Practice from anywhere with video chat, phone and secure messaging appointments using Canada’s most comprehensive telehealth platform.

VirtualClinic+ is a web-based telehealth platform designed to provide physicians and clinics with a convenient and easy way of adding telehealth to their practice.

What sets VirtualClinic+ apart from other virtual care solutions is the ability to easily opt in or out of our walk-in service. With VirtualClinic+, healthcare providers can restrict appointments to rostered patients or also offer virtual care to the estimated 4.8 million Canadians without a family doctor.

And VirtualClinic+ integrates perfectly into OSCAR EMR so your calendars, notes, and more are all seamlessly connected to your VirtualClinic+ telehealth experience.

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Product Type

EMR Integrated App



EMR Integration





Allied Healthcare, Primary Care, Specialist Care



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Privacy & Data Details

The app developer has provided the following information regarding its privacy and security practices, including any PHI in the EMR accessed or updated by the app.

EMR Data Accessed by VirtualClinic+

Appointments, Patient Demographics, Provider Demographics, Schedule

EMR Data Updated by VirtualClinic+

Appointments, Observations, Patient Demographics

Privacy Impact Assessment

Last completed:

October, 2021

Threat Risk Assessment

Last completed:

October, 2022

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